Waiting for his next snack

Happy New Year everyone! January is well under way, and I hope that you all thoroughly enjoyed the holidays. They sure went by fast.  The recent extended cold snap, with a brief “January Thaw”, followed by another cold snap that we are currently experiencing sure has given some people higher blood pressure and issues with anxiety as they watch the ice form across the ponds and challenge the aerators, bubblers, and heaters/deicers. The concern of course it the health and survival of our beloved fish. Koi, goldfish, shubunkins, and other aquatic creatures that rely on our water features (turtles, frogs, toads, and even the birds and other wildlife that live nearby), whether they are water gardens, or koi ponds. If you have any questions about getting your pond and fish through the winter, be sure to give us a call at Aquatic Innovators at (608) 373-7040 or send us an email to shawn@aquaticinnovators.com. Enjoy the rest of the winter. Spring will be here soon.  In the mean time, get outside and enjoy the snow.